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Success Stories

Shalin Juma Grade 5

Shalin is one of our orphaned students who was diagnosed with a form of brain cancer in 2019 after presenting with headaches and seizures. Without the help of our faithful sponsors Shalin would have had no chance at life. But money was raised and she was able to have the surgery to remove the tumor. She has healed quite nicely from surgery but still undergoes occasional treatment. She benefits from one of our projects which was to provide health insurance for each child. Her favorite subject is mathematics. She also likes reading books. Her favorite color is red. Shalin would like to be a teacher someday.


Sandra came to us as an orphan due to her family abandoning her. She had been uneducated due to severe learning and psychological deficiencies. She was diagnosed with a severe form of autism which locked her into a world where she couldn’t even speak. Two years ago, her life was in peril due to severe and frequent seizures. But thanks to our supporters, Sandra was able to get life saving brain surgery which included a shunt to treat hydrocephaly and her seizures are now over. She is in rehabilitation to treat her autism and her future is hopeful. She is even learning to speak! She has had several treatments to correct infections concerning her shunt, but the change we have seen in her is remarkable. She is much calmer now as you can see in the “after” picture and has a light in her that is undeniable. None of this would have been possible without the monthly insurance coverage paid by our regular donors and a loving, safe home environment with her foster family.

Mary Wafula

Mary Florence (Wafula) is Director Godwin’s wife. Like most in Kenya, she grew up in poverty. Her Mom couldn’t afford the High School tuition, but Mary was able to get into a Trade school and chose Seamstress.  We learned of Mary’s skillset in 2019 and were able to purchase for her a commercial sewing machine and a serger finishing machine. Since then, Mary has been able to make all of the school uniforms and other clothing for the children as well as make garments for sale or trade within the community as a means of income. We’re thankful to all of our donors who helped make this purchase possible and we are so proud and thankful for Mary’s hard-working assistance to the ministry