Our Mission
To Change the Life of Those, Who Have no Hope!
To Provide Quality Child-Centered Programs That Prepare And Empower Vulnerable Children And Families For A Bright Future and to feed the mind, body and spirit
Changing Lives One Child At A Time.
Our Vision

Our Leadership
Abbott CBO Members: Pastor Abraham Wakasala, Pastor Martin Wekesa, Madame Felister Musi, Director Godwin Wafula, Steve and Kim Warren (Mission Pastors at The Rock Church)

Pastor Abraham Wakasala was born in 1973 and grew up in Bungoma County, Kenya. He is the oldest of seven (7) children. He attended primary and secondary school in Bungoma into his High School years but was not able to attend college at that time for a lack of tuition money. He was born again and called into the ministry in 1991 and began a diligent study of God’s Word. He became a committed member & served faithfully in each position as Usher, Cell group leader, Church Secretary then Deacon while also attending classes at Kiambu School of Ministry where he received his Certificate. He then became Associate Pastor serving under Bishop David of World Hope Missions. He married Evelyne in 1998 and have been blessed with 4 children (2 boys and 2 girls) We are all so blessed by this man of God. He is an invaluable member of Abbott CBO Board giving wise input & counsel – teaching, encouraging and co-managing at the Abbott School – while also pastoring some Staff, Foster parents and local families. We are all extremely happy that he agreed to Pastor the newly formed Rock Church, Kenya.

Godwin Wafula Makokha was born in 1992 and grew up in Bungoma County, Kenya. He is the middle child of 5 with 2 older sisters and 2 younger sisters. He attended Musikoma Primary school and Khasoko Boy’s High school. He was not able to attend college or university. He was born again in 2011 and began working as an usher at World Hope Mission while learning the Word of God. He has always had a heart for the homeless children so much that he began taking care of children in his home and supporting them even in his own impoverished condition. In 2012, an Englishman named Dr Dwight Abbott met Godwin and got a burden to help build and support the 1st orphanage building to care for 12 children hence the name “Abbott Christian”. Mr Abbott personally supported the mission until 2015. The next year Godwin’s close friend Pastor Abraham Wakasala began helping manage the school and teach bible classes there. Abbott Christian Care for Children became a certified licensed CBO in Kenya in 2019. Godwin’s wife Mary Florence is from the mountains of eastern Kenya. They met in Nairobi in 2018, courted, later married & so far blessed with 2 beautiful daughters. As a young man Director Godwin has matured well beyond his years, but still has the Father’s heart for children…he still regularly sacrifices his own sustenance to feed hungry, vulnerable, at-risk children

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Madam Felister Miti Musi was elected Treasurer by the Board for the 2024/2025 term at Abbott Christian Care for Children based in Bungoma County, Kenya. She also serves as the Rock Church Liaison Officer to Abbott to complement the partnership. She has a passion for the spiritual and holistic development of children with more than 15 years experience in the Education Industry, most recently as an Eldoret College Professor. She has developed a strong set of skills and proven track of success.
Degree’s include: Bachelor of Education (Guidance/Counselling) Moi University Bachelor of Developmental Studies Moi University Diploma in Early Childhood Development from East African Training Institute Certificate of Proficiency in Public Relations and Bookkeeping
During her free time, she does Mentorship programs, Counseling, Team Sports and Traveling. Her work at Abbott Academy is centered at keeping proper open channels of communication between all parties, supporting the record keeping & reporting of all income and expenditures, ensuring proper development of learners by being a role model and a mother figure while giving them hope for a better future as found in Isaiah 60:22 “when the time is right I the Lord shall make it happen”
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