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The Gift of Water

New Water Well (Gift of Water) - Coming in 2023

The Challenge of Clean Water

The CDC estimates that nearly 800 million people – many of whom are children – do not have access to a clean water source. Currently the teachers or some of the school children are burdened with the daily chore of walking miles to fetch water in plastic jugs or buckets, only to haul it back. This necessity can take them one to two hours or more, shifting time, energy and school funds away from that which can get children out of the cycle of poverty – an education.

The Rock Church is looking to change that. With your help, the Rock Church will drill a new water well in 2023 on the new school land to complement the new school buildings. This will benefit not only all the children and staff, but also the poorest families in the immediate
surrounding area of the new school.

Currently, teachers or older school children are burdened with the daily chore of walking miles to fetch water in plastic jugs or buckets, only to haul it back which diverts valuable time and resources from their education.

Waiting lines for water

1 in 10 people in the world do not have access to clean water.

1 in 10 people in the world do not have access to clean water.

Project Details:

  • A preliminary study was conducted on the new land in 2022 by a reputable driller.

  • The study resulted in the driller’s guarantee of a minimum 10 year supply of water sufficient for a school up to 300 students.

  • Cost estimate includes labor & materials for: bore hole, casing, wellhead with 2 outlets, cement pad, locking hand pump.

  • Payment of 50% down then 50% at satisfactory completion.

  • Community tap open 2hrs/day for close-by residents of the school.

  • School guard to oversee the 2hr operation of community tap for safety and conservation purposes.

Bonus Options:

  • Install Solar-powered downhole pump 
  • Construct steel tower for elevated water tank system
  • Supply/Mount a 2000gal water tank  
  • Install taps and piping sufficient to supply water to the School Kitchen and to the School Garden.
Drilling Rig

Drilling rig finally on site, Sat 4-21-23

New Water Well

New Water Well

Water well w-hand pump operation

Water well with hand pump operation